Dumbo (en)

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Version vom 19. März 2011, 12:24 Uhr von Tasman (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Ersten Teil der Übersetzung erstellt)
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Dumbo - the Boot Plugin

Do you have less flash-memory at your Dreambox for your daily Updates, Skins or Picons? Than Dumbo may be interesting for you. This plugin helps you to boot the Dreambox via a compressed image from a removable media like Compact Flash or USB-Stick.

Dumbo is not a tool for Multiboot but it supports to boot via removable drives. Certainly you can backup this kind of image. This plugin also helps to create a swap-file (/media/swap/swapfile) at a size of 200MB. Because of this you can use Dumbo at Dreamboxes with less RAM (like the DM 7025) without having problems due to less memory while decompressing or maintaining the image. The swap-file is activated during the boot process of Dumbo as told in the /etc/fstab.

The Dumbo Plugin

You configure Dumbo in this steps. Install the plugin into the flash image (the main image in the Dreambox). Than plug in the Compact Flash card or your prefered media to create partitions on it. You need two partitions. The first to create a booable FAT filesystem and the second to create the main ext3 filesystem.

Now start the plugin Dumbo to choose the image that will be installed at your removable media. After about 5 minutes of decompression, installing and rebooting the Dreambox will be available for your new experiments.

The complete configuration of the Dumbo-Plugin is described in this article. Please take your time to read it carefully to get all requirements.

Good luck and have a lot of fun! :-)

This article is based at the forum-topic: Dumbo - the Dumb Boot Plugin (German language)


This translation is currently under construction!

To read the complete article please refere to the German version at:

Dumbo - das dumme Boot Plugin