GP3 Installation (en)
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Installation instructions
The Gemini Plugin is installed in an CVS image in only 2 steps.
- Step 1: Manual installation of the Gemini Wizard. The Wizard is already included in our own iCVS images - so you may skip this step.
- Step 2: Execution of the GeminiWizard and installation of the Gemini Plugin
We recommend:
Original CVS Images from <-- OE1.6 or our iCVS image available via Database
No pre-installed soft-cams.
Other Plugins which provide a QuickButton functionality must NOT be installed.
A working Internet connection. The wizard downloads all dependencies from the Internet.
DM 7025 (+) users should use Dumbo because of the small amount of flash memory.
The following '"Kernel versions must be'" present in the used image.
- 7025 -> 2.6.12
- 500hd -> 2.6.18
- 800hd -> 2.6.18
- 800se -> 2.6.18
- 8000 -> 2.6.18
- 7020hd -> ?
Installation of GeminiWizard
With iCVS images you may skip the following steps (1-5) as the Gemini Wizard is already preinstalled.
IMPORTANT: Make sure your image of choice is clean and does NOT include preinstalled Softcams!
1. Download image and installation:
As mentioned before, we recommend to use DMM experimental or our in-house iCVS - images.
The installation takes place as usual either via web browser or DreamUP.
Find attached in more detail:
2. Download Gemini Wizard:
you can download the Gemini Wizard here: Download des Gemini3 Wizard (g3wizard)
3. Copy Gemini Wizard on the Box:
We recommend to copy it to "/".
4. install Gemini Wizard with:
Menu -> Settings -> Software -> local Extensions... -> InternalFlash -> Install -> green
5. Gui restart (this item is only available in expert mode - in case of advanced mode you have to restart the Dreambox)
As an alternative, you may do steps 2,3 and 4 in one single step by using Telnet and running the following command:
opkg install
Installation of GeminiPlugin
From here the process is the same for all images.
Blue -> Gemini3Wizard -> Install-GeminiPlugin
Installation is without Gemini Functional-Plugins: you are up to select and install the Plugins you need via Bluepanel Addon Server.
Your Dreambox will restart automatically when installation has finished.
Gemini should be installed now.
Camds can be installed via blue-> Addons-> GeminiCamds.
Rest should be selfexplicatory or maybe not. :)
Gemini Plugin installation for Dummys
Here you'll find another HowTo explained in more detail, especially for beginners: Gemini Plugin installation for Dummys
EmbedVideo fehlt ein anzugebender Parameter.
This Video shows you how to install GP3 in iCVS Image. |
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