GP3 Notifications (en)

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Background events in the Gemini 3 Plugin

The Gemini 3 Plugin can display events directly on the TV screen or in the infobar. Therefor a GP3 compatible skin and the corresponding settings in the GP3 Plugin are required. Of course some of the notifications require the right Gemini Addon to be installed. The following chapters describe the configuration of the notifications and the requierd Plugins.

Enable the notifications

Hintergrundevents - Einstellung

Open the menu [General] in the [BluePanel][Settings]. For the Background events the setting can be changed with the arrow keys of the remote control. The following table lists the possibilities.

Setting Description
Off No notifications are displayed
On The notifications are displayed permanently in the Infobar
(GP3 skin required)
Flashing The notifications are flashing in the Infobar (GP3 skin required)