Image update - Dreambox 500
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Installation to Flash
Installation with DMM-Software (Serial cable)
You need:
- a serial cable RS 232
- a recent Gemini-Image (to be found at the Database)
- the updatesoftware DreamUp (NOT DreamUpLan!)
Further instructions and the software can be found here.
VSFA only to use with DM500PLUS
VSFA means Very Simple Flashing Assistant
You need:
Box is connected with a DHCP-server or box has a fix IP trough Bios.
For Windows XP .netFramework 2.0 will be needed
Further istructions and the programm can be found here.
Installation with Flashwizzard
You need:
- a LAN-Cable (possibly a Cross-over-cable für eine PC-Dreambox Direktverbindung)
- a recent Gemini-image (to be found at the Database)
- the software Flashwizzard (to be found at the Database)
(Attention: Don't use with Maxvar Images )
Installation with DCC (root.cramfs)
You need:
- a LAN-Cable (possibly a Cross-over-cable für eine PC-Dreambox Direktverbindung)
- a recent Gemini-image (to be found at the Database)
- the software DCC (to be found at the Database)
(Attention: When MaxVar-Image will be installed, a MaxVar-Image must already be installd on the box. If you want to install "Gemini MaxVar" when original image was installed, you have to use DREAMUP)
Manual method
Rename the "blabla.img" to "root.cramfs and copy via FTP to /tmp. Then start update manually via settings menu.
(Attention: When MaxVar-Image will be installed, a MaxVar-Image must already be installd on the box. If you want to install "Gemini MaxVar" when original image was installed, you have to use DREAMUP
EXPERT Methode
ATTENTION: One typo could destroy your box. So please, only use this method, if you know, what you are doing.
Copy a complete image (consisting of rootfs and squashfs) to /tmp. Connect via telnet to the box and use the following commmand:
cat /tmp/NameDeinesImages.img > /dev/mtd/3 <ENTER>
When prompt reappears, you can use the command "reboot" and the box is starting with the new image. Don't forget the flash erase
Wait until the update process is finished, else your box is a paperweight
Everything on your own risk!!
Installation on external memory devices
There is the possibility to install the image on a mounted HDD.
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