GP2 Blue Panel (en)
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In this article you will find links for extended descriptions of the GP2 Blue Panel desktop. The successor of this Blue Panel is the GP3 Blue Panel desktop.
GP2 Blue Panel Desktop (Basis Gemini 5.x)
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Camd Selection-Activation
The cursor is on the menu entry:
Select Camd with the ← → buttons.
Here you can select the installed Cams. With the green button the selected Cam is started or restarted (Camreset). |
Auto-Cam activate / settings
Autocam is used when different channels are using different Cams. The Cams will be started/stopped automatically.With the yellow button you can activate the Autocam function. This works only when more as one Softcam was installed! |
After activating the Autocam function with the yellow button of the remote control the menu appears. We continu with the Autocam settings. |
Here it is possible to assign a specific SoftCam for a channel. If you want to add a new channel press the green button. Now it is possible to navigate through the different lists (provider/satellites) with the colored buttons. Press OK to add the selected channel. |
Now you can: select a channel in the favoriten list with the colored buttons you can select satellites or providers to choose a channel. |
Here you select the wanted channels, satellites or provider and assing a Softcam. with the blue button you can delete an entry. |
EPG Setup
Install/Remove addons
Download (Gemini Server)
A part of the list offered by the Gemini Server. |
Download (My Server)
Here you have access to an extra server, if you have configured the server yourself.
This is an interface for users who want to install other Addons as offered by the Gemini Server over the BluePanel.
Therefore you need to configure the useraddon.xml to connect toy your own server. The useraddon.xml can be found in /etc.
Think twice before removing, once removed it is gone... |
Automount Editor (Network...)
this is how it looks if an entry exists in the /etc/ |
With the editor it is possible to add an entry with the remote control in the /etc/, or to edit. But it's easier to edit the "" directly in "/etc" with an editor. |
Create satellites.xml
Here you can select the desired satellite region, for creating you new satellites.xml. |
Here you can select the desired satellitsn you can receive. With the cursor right/left you can switch the selection. Once the seledction is made and saved with the green button, the menu for downloading appears (next image) |
Here you can start the download over the blue button |
Here you can change the password for the superuser "root". It's also possible to change the password over telnet: Change Password (en) |
Swap file
The Quickbutton is the green button on the remote control (in TV Mode). Standard only the Pluginbrowser is activated, you can add additional applications. If you have added applications a selection menu appears when pressing the green button.
Informations how to add telnet commands or scripts can be found here: Quickbutton.xml
File Browser
The File Browser is on of the most powerfull tools in Gemini. With this file browser you can navigate through the image, but it will also play media files , show text files and you can install manually all kind of Addons. And of course you can delete, rename ... files.
![]() Create a Symlink | |
Gemini Extras
The control central for most of the Gemini Addons, which are integrated in the Gemini Image.
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Dreamnetcast / Streamripper
Add a city:
RSS Reader
The settings for the RSS Reader can be changed int the /etc/Favo RSS.xml with a text editor.
eMail Checker
Webcam Viewer
Alarm clock
EPG Refresh
For updating the EPG on a daily base EPG Refresh zapps during the night on the channels specified by the user (one channel of a group is required - e.g. RTL loads the EPG of the complete RTL group) This way you will have allways an updates EPG without zapping manually.
EPG Search
Online Test
Sys/Kernel Log
Samba Server
The configuration can also be made in /etc/samba/smb.conf For more informations coincerning the settings: look here. |
Dropbear (SSH)
Following Wiki articles explain the functions and the possibilities of Dropbear.
available since Gemini 5.1 | |
here you can configure an Openvpn Server easily, both IP´s are thunnel adresses, which should be in a different range. | |
with save a keyfile is stored in /etc/openvpn (*.key), the server config (*.conf) and the Windows Clientconfig (*.ovpn)
.key and .ovpn need to be copied in the config map of Openvpn for Windows - in the .ovpn you need to add the IP/DynDNS adress which points to the Dreambox (connected to the router). After the successful start of the VPN thunnel (green symbol in the Windows infobar) the Dreambox should be reachable on the thunnel adress of the server. |
of course you can also use a connection with certificates - therefore you need to edit the config files manually
Avahi (Zeroconf)
Avahi is a free implementation of Zeroconf, a technology to connect devices in a local network, without manual configuration |
InaDyn (dynamic DNS Client)
httpd (Little Apache)
Printer (LPD)
If the correct KernelModul is loaded and an USB printer is connected you can see the print serverwird status - green = active.
Manual to configure the Dreambox as Druckserver.
UPnP Client
UPnP Server
See also: Stream auf PS3
TPMD (Genuine Dreambox)
This service enables the "authentication" to check if your Dreambox is an "original". With the Genuine Plugin in the Pluginbrowser you can perform the check. |
Device Manager
Hard disks: Hard Disk Standby after - Hard Disk goes into standby after the specified time | |
DVD player: speed - the higher the value, the quiter the DVD device plays |
HDD Temperature
If the hard disk is not recognized, read here: Hddtemp.db
HDD Speed
Initialise (Format)
Before formating the hard disk needs to be "unmounted".Formating the hard dsik will erase all data on the disk! |
DVD Player
Further informations about the DVD Player and the operation can be found here: DVD Player |
Here in this example after 5 minutes the box zapps automaticcally back to the channel RTL2. You can zapp as much as you want, after the set time the box zapps back to the channel. |